Women-Owned Business (WBENC)
The Leader’s Edge is a certified Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) through the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), the nation’s largest third-party certifier of businesses owned by women in the US. As the gold standard, WBENC Certification validates that our business meets the eligibility requirements and is at least 51% owned, controlled, operated, and managed by women.

International Coaching Federation (ICF)
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the leading global organization for coaching setting the highest industry standards and providing certification for coaches. Our coaches hold ICF Credentials indicating that they have met the specific standards, education, and experience requirements to develop their coaching skills and uphold strong principles of ethical behavior.

Hogan Suites
Hogan has a variety of assessments targeted for talent development, team integration and talent acquisition. Our coaches have completed the certifications to provide leadership development feedback, facilitate team skills-building workshops, and assess talent based on the results of various assessments including the Leadership Forecast Series, Insight Series, Business Reasoning Inventory, EQ Survey and Team Report.

Insights Discovery
Insights Discovery is a psychometric tool that helps individuals understand their leadership styles, communication preferences, and working relationships through a color-coded model based on Jungian psychology. When leaders are aware of their own strengths and the preferences of others, they can be more strategic with their approach to leadership.

DiSC Profile
The DISC Workplace Profile is a leadership development assessment profiling four primary behavioral styles, or leadership voices, each with a very distinct pattern of observable behavior. Our team of coaches are certified in the DiSC to help individuals improve their self-awareness, better understand others, and become more effective leaders. We facilitate Team DiSC Workshops to help leaders gain understanding into the work style composition of their team and provide insights for better collaboration.

Workplace Options
The Resiliency Map and EQ Map measure resiliency and emotional intelligence in individuals and teams. Our coaches have completed the certifications to help leaders at all levels build personal resilience, develop their emotional intelligence, and implement effective strategies for reducing burnout in teams.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a widely used and well-researched assessment with proven applications for coaching in executives and managers, organizational development, and leadership development and team building. Our coaches support individuals in understanding their distinctive personality types and preferences as well as the impact that it has on the way they lead and work with others.

Life Styles Inventory (LSI)
The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) is an individual development tool that uses both self-assessment and colleague feedback to identify their thinking and behavioral styles. The individual receives insights on their effectiveness at work as well as their overall satisfaction at work and home. Our coaches help the individual gain greater perspective into their strengths and areas for development and supports them in understanding and changing their thought processes and behaviors as needed.

The NEO PI-3 yields a comprehensive profile of an individual’s motivations – those things that are important to him or her in life to achieve full satisfaction. The NEO PI-3 is based on over forty years of research and solid psychometric analysis.

EQ-i 2.0
The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0) is the leading tool measuring a leader’s emotional intelligence. This instrument examines social and emotional strengths and weaknesses, uncovers how one utilizes their emotions in the workplace, and reveals how actions and reactions can impact leadership effectiveness.