Leadership Assessment Process
We utilize the renowned HOGAN Leadership Forecast Series to provide a dynamic advantage to our leadership development services. With clients who are conducting an executive search OR evaluating internal candidates for promotion, we draw upon the Hogan to assess the leadership and cultural fit of the individuals being considered. We also utilize the Hogan as part of our Executive Coaching process to give the participant optimal feedback on his or her leadership style.
The Hogan Leadership Forecast Series
The Hogan Leadership Forecast Series is a valuable tool that evaluates personality characteristics for success, identifies factors that impede career growth and assesses business drivers and core values for an individual.
Search Candidate Evaluation
When a number of candidates are being considered for a critical senior role in an organization, our coach will using the findings from the Hogan, the position description, the identified competencies of the hiring company and an interview of the candidate, to provide a comprehensive written report for the hiring company detailing the strengths, potential derailers and cultural fit of the candidate. We also provide on-boarding recommendations so that the candidate has the best opportunity of assimilating into the organization successfully – something that is critically important as research indicates how an executive is brought into an organization frequently determines his or her success
Executive Coaching
When working with a senior executive to refine his or her leadership style, our coach will take the executive through the meaning of the Hogan results and how his or her leadership style may be perceived by others. By identifying personality strengths and potential derailers relative to the executive’s unique work environment, important development opportunities can be defined and supportive coaching strategies implemented to attain individual performance goals.