Jane Beale is Vice President, Quality & Delivery and a seasoned corporate Human Resources executive. Jane has years of executive coaching experience working with emerging talent, executives and CEO leaders in a myriad of different industries. Her knowledge and experience of the executive suite brings a valuable perspective to her clients.
As the head of Quality & Delivery for The Leaders Edge, Jane oversees the work of the entire coaching cadre to ensure consistency with the firm’s established coaching protocols. Jane is also responsible for onboarding and supporting program facilitators to ensure the quality of delivery of client programming and skills-building workshops.
With the firm since 2001, Jane actively engages in executive coaching with our clients and is certified in the Hogan Personality Assessments, MBTI, LSI, NEO PI-R, and DISC instruments.
Prior to joining The Leader's Edge, Jane held several top-level executive positions in major Marketing Communications companies in New York and Boston including: Executive Vice President, Worldwide Director of Human Resources for Initiative Media and SVP of North America at Rapp Collins Worldwide, an Omnicom Company. Jane also held senior positions at two Young & Rubicam Companies, at Ogilvy & Mather, and at Benton & Bowles.
Jane has done pro bono work for the Institute of Families and Children in New York City, where she trained recent immigrants seeking political asylum to prepare to find employment, and has also volunteered for Gilda's Club in Manhattan. She mentors African school girls in Kenya through the Global Give Back Circle.
Born and raised in Ohio, Jane holds a degree in English and Psychology from Wright State University and has lived and worked in California, Boston, New York, and Europe. When she is not working or traveling, Jane is a creative writer.